Participant Observation Research for Business

What do you do when you need insider and accurate data about how a particular group related to your organization behaves? You set up a research study where observing group interactions and behaviors is the focus. Observation research is a type of qualitative research method where market researchers observe people’s behaviors, in a controlled or […]

Using the Kano Model to Craft Consumer-Centric Product Roadmaps

In product development, staying ahead of consumer expectations is crucial. Among the myriad tools available, the Kano Model stands out as a helpful method in guiding product roadmaps with precision. In this blog, we’ll delve deeper into the Kano Model to understand its pivotal role in market research and product development.  Understanding the Kano Model  […]

Elevating Mobile Research Through the Social Experience 

Conducting market research on mobile devices comes with a unique set of challenges – optimizing display sizes, increased chances of survey fatigue, and a world of distractions on the same device, to name a few. That’s why it’s time to begin rethinking how we deliver market research projects to mobile users and how to create […]

Accelerating Actionable Insights: 7 Ways to Reduce Your Market Research Timeline 

Time is of the essence for your business. With that said, the ability to swiftly adapt to market changes can make or break a company. As such, expediting the market research timeline is a critical factor in gaining a competitive edge. In this blog, we’ll explore seven key strategies to reduce your market research timeline […]

10 Tips for Writing a Market Research Report

Fuel Cycle blog: 10 Things to Remember When Writing a Market Research Report

Every market researcher’s biggest nightmare is for a client to say, “this doesn’t address our business issues.”   However, this type of issue is prevalent; even if we pretend it doesn’t occur. Most reports don’t reach the expectations of clients – this is due to the wrong writing techniques being used.   Rather than a focus on […]

A Quick Guide to Semi-Structured Interviews

Fuel Cycle Blog: A Quick Guide to Semi-Structured Interviews

Market research is not always a cut and dry process. In other words, you may want to gather telling customer data to inform business decisions, but you may not know what questions to ask on a survey or in a structured interview. And, that’s okay. There are market research methods (e.g., semi-structured/qualitative interviews) that help […]

Why Online Communities Trump Traditional Panels 

In the dynamic realm of market research, staying ahead means embracing innovation. Traditional market research panels have long been the cornerstone of insights gathering, but are they truly worth the investment in today’s fast-paced digital landscape? Let’s delve into the nuances of market research panels and explore why Market Research Online Communities (MROCs) might just […]

5 Common Pitfalls of In-Depth Interviewing

In-depth interviews are a form of qualitative market research where researchers collect customer data from small, carefully selected participants. Researchers may utilize in-depth interviews when there is a need for insightful responses, quick turn-around time, and lower costs. Though this market research method has many advantages, there are several pitfalls that researchers will want to […]

Fueling Your Insights: Maximizing Results with Quantitative and Qualitative Market Research 

In the realm of market research, the choice between quantitative and qualitative approaches can be pivotal. These two methods represent distinct avenues for gathering valuable insights, each with its unique strengths and weaknesses. But with Fuel Cycle, you don’t have to choose!  In this blog, we’ll delve into the world of quantitative and qualitative market […]

Reconstructing Qualitative Insights Through AI 

Qualitative market research is a critical piece of any insights roadmap, but it is often left behind due to the methodological expertise and time-intensive analysis required by the data. However, just as the industry moved to leverage digital tools in conducting Focus Groups and In-Depth Interviews (IDIs), the same should be said for the insights […]