The State of CPG Market Research
The CPG industry has faced challenges in consumerism, competitive e-commerce offerings and pricing, and product innovation cycles that are in constant flux to name a few. To be a market researcher for a CPG company means supporting marketing, product, and beyond. In this report, we surveyed over 200 market researchers and cut the data based […]
2018 Future of Market Research Report
Cutting-edge technologies and methods for aggregating, analyzing, and parsing big data has made waves in the academic and technological fields but has yet to capture more niche markets. The buzz words around passive data and big data have been swirling around market research for years, but no single solution has yet to solve the most […]
2018 State of Market Research Report
We’ve heard over the last couple of years that the AI apocalypse is looming over market research—but the most pressing issues that market researchers face are much simpler. Over the last few years competition has grown among research technology providers, but adoption remains low. This report aims to uncover where the biggest barriers remain and […]
Innovation & Market Research Report
We found that only 25% of researchers agree that their company’s upper management understands how market research supports business. In a volatile and demanding market, more is asked of market researchers, but they are still provided very little support to grow and maximize their roles. In this report, learn what barriers market researchers face in […]
Ensuring the Future: Mapping the Insurance-Buying Customer Journey
In this report, we focused on four core industries of insurance: health, auto, property, and life. We surveyed our respondents on their pre-purchase to post-purchase insurance buying experiences to chart the customer journey. Download the full report to view a detailed and intimate view of how customers are: Researching and deciding on a carrier Which […]
Holiday Shopping Habits Report
E-commerce giants and digital disrupters have completely transformed shopping habits. Traditional retailers are having to navigate a new space entirely, and this report outlines key purchasing habits that bring insights to areas of decline and growth. Uncover prime shopping months Understand buying habits based on gender and age Discover the correct marketplace
2017 Industry Report: The State of Market Research
We surveyed hundreds of market research leaders worldwide to reveal how the industry is coping in the face of sweeping changes due to technological advances like AI automation. In fact, we made some shocking discoveries – if archaic methods of research, communication and time management continue to be the standard, Market Researchers risk irrelevancy. Download […]
The Value Of Community Insights Across the Organization
In a data-driven world, organizations thrive or falter based on their ability to make a series of smart decisions over time. But current organization structures, many of which tend to be based around silos, make it impossible to deliver actionable insights across the organization. In fact, only 27% of executives believe their big data programs […]