10 Tips for Writing a Market Research Report

Fuel Cycle blog: 10 Things to Remember When Writing a Market Research Report

Every market researcher’s biggest nightmare is for a client to say, “this doesn’t address our business issues.”   However, this type of issue is prevalent; even if we pretend it doesn’t occur. Most reports don’t reach the expectations of clients – this is due to the wrong writing techniques being used.   Rather than a focus on […]

A Quick Guide to Semi-Structured Interviews

Fuel Cycle Blog: A Quick Guide to Semi-Structured Interviews

Market research is not always a cut and dry process. In other words, you may want to gather telling customer data to inform business decisions, but you may not know what questions to ask on a survey or in a structured interview. And, that’s okay. There are market research methods (e.g., semi-structured/qualitative interviews) that help […]

5 Common Pitfalls of In-Depth Interviewing

In-depth interviews are a form of qualitative market research where researchers collect customer data from small, carefully selected participants. Researchers may utilize in-depth interviews when there is a need for insightful responses, quick turn-around time, and lower costs. Though this market research method has many advantages, there are several pitfalls that researchers will want to […]

What is UX Research & Why Is It Important

Fuel Cycle Blog: What is UX Research? Why is it Important?

Running a successful business today is all about getting on the same page as your customers. The faster you can accomplish this, the sooner you’ll find that you’re hitting your benchmarks and edging out the competition. But, how do you swiftly move your organization to the top in a highly competitive marketplace? With the right […]

5 Essential Tips for Customer Journey Mapping

Fuel Cycle Blog: 5 Essential Tips for Your Customer Journey Map

With businesses becoming more and more customer-centric, customer journey mapping is something you can’t afford to leave out of your CX strategy. This is especially true if you want to keep your customers coming back to you instead of your competitors. Customer journey mapping is invaluable. The reasons? Mapping helps you get inside the minds […]

What is market testing?

Fuel Cycle Blog: How and Why You Should Start Concept Testing

One thing we know about any launch is that it comes with a boatload of different test phases. Sure, we do it to mitigate risk, but also to see if something will actually be successful at disrupting the industry and driving the bottom line. So, how do we know what testing tests what? Various testing […]

Controlled Observation Research | Virtual Research Methods

When organizations need accurate consumer data regarding product testing, product placement, or how consumers genuinely interact with the brand, observational research is a reliable go-to over other research methods. As a quick review, observation research is one type of qualitative research where researchers observe participants’ behaviors and interactions instead of asking them to self-report via […]

User Research Questions You Should Be Asking

User research is one of the most valuable tools for understanding customer behaviors, needs, motivations, preferences, wants, and interactions with your products and brand. Through a handful of market research techniques like observation, task analysis, and eliciting direct customer feedback through interviews, brands can glean valuable insights that help fine-tune their user experience. While there […]

What is Pilot Testing and What are the Benefits?

Fuel Cycle Blog: What does SDK mean? - Pilot Testing

How much is your research study going to cost? How long will you need to research to capture sufficient data? Is your research project feasible in terms of scope, budget, and participants needed? These are all the questions you need to ask yourself before starting a new market research study. But, how do you find […]

Market Research Strategies | Observational Research

Fuel Cycle Blog: The 3 Most Common Observation Research Methods

Some researchers call self-reported research the Achillie’s heal of survey data collection in terms of reliability. The reason? Self-reported research is sometimes inaccurate and thwarted by a consumer’s misguided perception. For example, research states that some polls reported that 40% of Americans attended church every week. However, when Marlar and Hadaway (2005) examined actual church […]