White Paper: Delta Testing | GRIT

Digital experience is mission-critical for business leaders who seek to capture, retain, and expand customer relationships. Across every industry, digital leaders’ earnings growth outpaces laggards by an average 1.8 times. Mobile app usability, website speed, and digital conversions are the new battleground for customer acquisition across all sectors and geographies. 
To help businesses thrive in an era of constant change, Fuel Cycle has introduced Delta Testing to our platform. Delta Testing eliminates the inefficiencies of traditional alpha and beta testing and improves digital product development by increasing collaboration between customers, developers, and product teams.  

Download the white paper to discover: 

  • Common challenges in digital development and how Delta Testing functions to solve for those 
  • Use cases for Delta Testing, across industries, including financial services, healthcare, and CPG 
  • The benefits of Delta Testing as a central part of continuous product development and iteration