Gaming – Connecting with a Hard-to-Reach Audience through Fuel Cycle
Leveling Up Your MR for the Video Game Industry
Market research is essential for any business to be successful, and the gaming industry benefits especially from agile market research solutions that focus on what’s working for customers right now. This eBook explores how the Fuel Cycle ecosystem helps to advance games as a service, gaming accessibility, and gaming partnerships with adjacent industries.
Powering Up Your Gaming With Fuel Cycle for DE&I
Introduction—Who Plays Video Games? What does a gamer look like– are they more likely to wear pajamas or a business suit? What jobs do they have, and how do they socialize with friends? Perhaps you just imagined a teenager, probably male, chilling on the couch. Or maybe a Twitch streamer with pastel-pink hair, cat-eared […]
Achievement Unlocked: How Market Research Takes GaaS to the Next Level
Introduction Choose your fighter! GaaS or traditional gaming? In this blog, we’ll examine games as a service. Games as a service, or GaaS, is a way for game publishers to “monetize video games beyond their point of sale“. It also provides players with new content like missions, competitions, and gear. This is done through season passes, […]